
Asking how, what and why for Negroes-A Reply FE(4)

44 Vues· 17 Oct 2020
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Asking how, what and why for Negroes-A Reply FE(4)

Asking how, what and why for Negroes-A Reply FE(4) is the Full version of our response video to some comments received from our previous videos. It's also part of our series to get the Negroes to ask relevant questions about their history, who they are, who they were and what could be happening to them.It is aimed at getting the Negroes to stop believing but instead start knowing. It also seeks to get Negroes to investigate the plan of the slave master to exterminate the race.
Please note that aside from Youtube censorship we are on Patreon to reduce the distraction from the descendants of the slave hunters as they appear to watch our videos more than the Negroes for whom the videos are made.
Link to the article on Marcus Garvey and Haile Selassie
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Caillié, R.,. (1830). Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo; and Across the Great Desert, to Morocco, Performed in the Years 1824-1828. By Réné Caillié. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.[-II.].
Wolff, J. (1861). Travels and adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff... Saunders, Otley and Co..
Child, L. M. (1865). The freedmen's book (No. 62). Ticknor and Fields.
Towle, G. M. (1882). Drake: The Sea-king of Devon. Lee and Shepard.
Thomas, W. (1860). Adventures and Observations on the West Coast of Africa and Its Islands, Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Madeira, Canry, Biafra and Cape Verd Islands: Their Climates, Inhabitants and Productions [...].

Smith, W. (1744). A New Voyage to Guinea. Nourse, London.
Lincoln, A. (1863). The emancipation proclamation. September, 22, 1862.
Caillié, R. (1830). Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo and Across the Great Desert to Morocco, 1824-28: to Morocco, 1824-28. Routledge.
Howe, H. (1854). The Travels and Adventures of Celebrated Travelers in the Principal Countries of the Globe. Henry Howe.
Cochin, A., & Booth, M. L. (1863). The Results of Slavery... Translated [from Tom. 2 of “L'Abolition de L'esclavage”] by Mary L. Booth. Walker, Wise&Company.
Aimes, H. H. S. (1907). A History of Slavery in Cuba, 1511 to 1868. GP Putnam's sons.
Hawkins, J. (1797). A History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa, and Travels Into the Interior of that Country: Containing Particular Descriptions of the Climate and Inhabitants, and Interesting Particulars Concerning the Slave Trade
Barbot, J. (1746). Illustrations de A Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea and of Ethiopia Inferior, Vulgarly Angola... with an Appendix, Being a General Account of the First Discoveries of America in the Fourteenth Century... and a Geographical, Political, and Natural History of the Antilles-Islands...
Schön, J. F., & Crowther, S. (1842). Journals of the Rev. James Frederick Schön and Mr. Samuel Crowther: Who, Accompanied the Expedition Up the Niger, in 1841, in Behalf of the Church Missionary Society (Vol. 1). Hatchard and son.
Falconbridge, A. (1788). An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. J. Phillips.
Clarkson, T. (1788). An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade. In Two Parts. J. Phillips.

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