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The Most Dangerous Slaves for Negroes-A reply_FE(1)

39 Views· 04 Feb 2024
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
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The Most Dangerous Slaves for Negroes-A reply_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition of our response video to a comment we received on the video The Most Dangerous Slaves for Negroes_FE(2)
The comment was made by someone who is clearly a descendant of the slave hunters and most likely a Fulani Arab.The comment was made by the account @kaomalihm284 and says point of correction. British didn't introduce Christianity to Nigeria.... Britain did it.... And Yoruba people introduce Christianity to ibo people. Note that.....
You could've use this your post to advice your ibo about mistake they by suspended region Government around 1966. And created one Nigeria And barbaric suffering many Nigeria are facing now....Yoruba aren't problem of Nigeria... Thank you.
We would like you to observe how they are associating their atrocities today to a former member of the slave hunting terror group called Nigerian army who ruled the slave coast called Nigeria for 6 months in the 60’s before they murdered him on the behest of the slave master.
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Weld, T. D. (Ed.). (1839). American Slavery as it is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses (No. 10). American Anti-Slavery Society.
Flickinger, D. K. (1882) Ethiopia, or, Twenty-Six Years of missionary life in Western Africa: with an appendix embracing the period between 1877 and 1882
Shaw, F. L. (1997). A tropical dependency: An outline of the ancient history of the western Sudan with an account of the modern settlement of northern Nigeria. Black Classic Press.
Tucker, S. (1856). Abbeokuta: Or, Sunrise Within the Tropics: an Outline of the Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission.
Dan Jacobs. (1987). The Brutality of Nations.
Niven, R. (1967)Nigeria
Hodgson, W. B. (1843). Foulahs of Central Africa and the African slave trade.
Kisch, M. S. (1910). Letters & Sketches from Northern Nigeria.
Hazzledine, G. D. (1904). The white man in Nigeria.
Bello, A. S. A(1962) My Life
Hill, P. G. (1849). A Voyage to the Slave Coasts of West and East Africa.
N. A(1839) The American Anti-Slavery Almanac, for 1839 Vol 1 No 4

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