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Fulani, the enemy within, a Reply _FE(3)

43 Views· 27 May 2024
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Fulani, the enemy within, a Reply _FE(3)
This is the Full Edition of our response video to a comment we received on a previous video. The comment from “@NYChiphop67 and says
Thanks brother
Can you make videos explaining how we African Americans have Yoruba & Fulani ancestry , but no Eurasian Hamite blood like Fulani
They placed the Berber Arab with the negro
We need this
Thank you from African america
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Johnston, H. H. (1899). A History of the Colonization of Africa by Alien Races. Cambridge University Press.
Seddall, H. (1874). The missionary history of Sierra Leone. Hatchards.
Ellis, A. B. (1894). The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa: Their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, Etc. Routledge.
Meek, C. K. (1925). The northern tribes of Nigeria: an ethnographical account of the northern provinces of Nigeria together with a report on the 1921 decennial census (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press, H. Milford.
Brown, R. (1895). The story of Africa and its explorers (Vol. 4). Cassell
Chisholm, G. G. (1882). The Two Hemispheres: A Popular Account of the Countries and Peoples of the World. Blackie & Son.

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