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Awakening for Negroes-LE(1)

20 Views· 29 Nov 2023
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Awakening for Negroes-LE(1)

In this video, we shall be looking at the Negroes and their awakening. The awakening here would be more around awareness than illumination or advanced enlightenment. It seeks to make them aware of how the slave masters delusion is sold to them. It seeks to demonstrate that the slave master targets the Negroes by deliberately triggering unconscious bias against them through his slave hunting partners of old.
We tried to use the prevailing Lockdown and the pandemic- real or imagined to show that the slave master works with his foot soldiers to ensure that Negroes remain in a servile position wherever they are. Only a limited version of the video will be available on YouTube and the FullVersion will be through Patreon and the following video Sites but will require payment.
This is because Youtube Censors our comments/replies to users comments to a ridiculous extent that it makes it further easy to see the gang up they used for the slave trade.
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For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Dowd, J. (1907). The Negro races: a sociological study (Vol. 1). Macmillan.
Wadstrom, C. B., & Wadström, C. B. (1789). Observations on the Slave Trade: And a Description of Some Part of the Coast of Guinea, During a Voyage, Made in 1787, and 1788, in Company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain Arrehenius [sic]. James Phillips.
Denham, D., Clapperton, H., & Oudney, W. (1826). Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa: in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. Cummings, Hilliard & Company.
MacQueen, J. (1840). A Geographical Survey of Africa: Its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Populations, &c. with a Map of an Entirely New Construction, to which is Prefixed a Letter to Lord John Russell Regarding the Slave Trade and the Improvement of Africa. Fellowes.
Newton, J. (1788). Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade.. J. Buckland; J. Johnson.
Falconbridge, A. (1788). An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. J. Phillips.
Van Evrie, J. H. (1868). Negroes and Negro Slavery: the first an inferior race: the latter its normal condition.
Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African Slave Trade, and Its Remedy. J. Murray.
Lander, R., & Lander, J. (1844). Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger: with a Narrative of a Voyage down that River to its Termination (Vol. 28). J. & J.

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