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Nnamdi Kanu kidnap and the Slave Trade_FE(1)
The Renaissance
8 Views · 8 days ago

Nnamdi Kanu kidnap and the Slave Trade_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Nnamdi Kanu kidnap and the slave trade (1). This video tries to show that the kidnapping of Nnamdi Kanu is based on the philosophy of the Trans Atlantic and Trans Saharan Slave trades. Nnamdi Kanu is a Freedom Seeker kidnapped by the slave master and his slave hunting accomplices three years ago and renditioned to the slave Coast or Nigeria. It tries to show why people in Scotland can ask for Referendum and no one shoots the other but in Negroland, if Negroes asked for referendum, they are usually arrested or killed in a manner similar to how Negro slaves were killed if they asked for freedom during the slave trade.
It also mentioned the slave masters’ agents like Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway as contracted agents of the slave master to lie against the Negroes and any efforts they make to secure their freedom.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Canot, T. (1854). Captain Canot; or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver.
Shaw, F. L. (1905). A Tropical Dependency: An Outline of the Ancient History of the Western Soudan with an Account of the Modern Settlement of Northern Nigeria. J. Nisbet & Company, Limited.
Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (1902). BRITISH NIGERIA. African Affairs,
Benezet, A. (1785). A caution to Great Britain and her colonies: in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved negroes in the British dominions. J. Phillips.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. (1851). An Exposition of the African Slave Trade, from the Year 1840, to 1850, Inclusive. J. Rakestraw, printer.
Daumas, E. (1863). The Horses of the Sahara and the Manners of the Desert, trans. James Hutton. London: Willimam H. Allen & Co.
Woodward, W. H. (1926). An Outline History of the British Empire from 1500 to 1926. The University Press.
Stanley, H. M. (1893). Slavery and the slave trade in Africa (Vol. 1).
M'leod, A. (1860). Negro Slavery Unjustifiable: A Discourse. A. McLeod.

Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped_FE(2)
The Renaissance
8 Views · 18 days ago

Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped_FE(2)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped (2). Nnamdi Kanu is a Freedom Seeker kidnapped by the slave master and his slave hunting accomplices three years ago and renditioned to the slave Coast or Nigeria. It is about why he was kidnapped and being tried in the slave masters court of injustice and slave trade.
It also mentioned the slave masters’ agents like Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway as contracted agents of the slave master to lie against the Negroes and any efforts to make to secure their freedom.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Ratzel, F. (1898). The History of Mankind

Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped_FE(2)
The Renaissance
9 Views · 23 days ago

Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped_FE(2)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Why Nnamdi Kanu was kidnapped (1). Nnamdi Kanu is a Freedom FIghter kidnapped by the slave master and his slave hunting accomplices three years ago. It is about why he was kidnapped and being tried in the slave masters court of injustice and slave trade.
It also mentioned the slave masters’ agents like Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway as contracted agents of the slave master to lie against the Negroes and any efforts to make to secure their freedom.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Williams, G. W.(1885). History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1880: two volumes in one
Bleeker, S., & Singer, E. G. (1969). The Ibo of Biafra. (No Title).
Barnes, A. (1857). The church and slavery. Parry & McMillan.
Conder, J. (1829). The Modern Traveler: A Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, of the Various Countries of the Globe: North America.. (Vol. 1). James Duncan.
Ratzel, F. (1898). The History of Mankind
Clarke, R. F. (1889). Cardinal Lavigerie and the African Slave Trade... Longmans.
Lugard, F. D. (1922). The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa. W. Blackwood and Sons.

Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(2)
The Renaissance
11 Views · 1 month ago

Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(2)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negroes (2). It is about the slave trade as being in the Slave Masters’ economic interests and the slave Masters’ business and thus couldn’t have been done by the Negroes themselves.
It also tried to show a new liar on the block going by the name Brooklyn Saint Mickell on YouTube and how they leverage on the lie told by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani who claimed albeit falsely that her great Grand Father was a Nigerian Slave Trader at a time there was nothing like Nigeria.
It also highlights how both Simon Ekpa and Brooklyn Saint Mickell are contracted agents of the slave master to lie against the Negroes and create a divide between Negroes in the homeland and the Diaspora.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Bleeker, S., & Singer, E. G. (1969). The Ibo of Biafra. (No Title).
Abel, J. J., & Davis, W. S. (1896). On the Pigment of the Negro's Skin and Hair. The Journal of Experimental Medicine
Crawfurd, J. (1865). On the physical and mental characteristics of the African or occidental negro. Spottiswoode & Company, New Street Square, EC.
Edwards, B. (1801). An Abridgment of Mr. Edwards's Civil and Commercial History of the British West Indies. (Vol. 2).
Sleigh, W. W. (1838). Abolitionism Exposed, Proving that the Principles of Abolitionism are Injurious... D. Schneck.
Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African slave trade, and its remedy
Lawrence, J. (1854). The Slavery Question

⁣ Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(1)
The Renaissance
12 Views · 1 month ago

Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negroes (1). It is about the slave trade as being in the Slave Masters’ economic interests and the slave Masters’ business and thus couldn’t have been done by the Negroes themselves.
It also tried to show how the slave masters’ agent, Simon Ekpa is working against Negro Freedom In Biafra.
It also highlights how both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway who are both agents of the slave masters are working against Negro freedom in both the homeland and the Diaspora.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Abel, J. J., & Davis, W. S. (1896). On the Pigment of the Negro's Skin and Hair. The Journal of Experimental Medicine
Sleigh, W. W. (1838). Abolitionism Exposed, Proving that the Principles of Abolitionism are Injurious... D. Schneck.
Wadström, C. B. (1789). Observations on the slave trade, and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787 and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain Arrehenius. (No Title).
Kumm, H. K. W., & Kumm, K. (1907). The Sudan: a short compendium of facts and figures about the land of darkness. (No Title).
Pettet, Z. R., & Hall, C. E. (1935). Negroes in the United States, 1920-32. US Government Printing Office.
Ramsay, J. (1784). An Inquiry into the Effects of Putting a Stop to the African Slave Trade... J. Phillips.
N.A(1905) Strictures on the abolition of the slave trade addressed principally to the Christian church
Wilberforce, W. (1823). An appeal to the religion, justice, and humanity of the inhabitants of the British Empire: in behalf of the Negro slaves in the West Indies (No. 83). [Printed] for J. Hatchard and Son.

Absence of Negro Leaders_FE(1)
The Renaissance
15 Views · 1 month ago

Absence of Negro Leaders_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, absence of Negro leaders (1). It is about the absence of Negro leaders.
Note that the Governments in what was Negroland are merely slave Drivers handpicked by the Slave master and not for the Negroes.The slave drivers are usually dressed in borrowed robes of Governments or Presidents but are actually against the Negroes.
It also highlights how both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway who are both agents of the slave masters are working against Negro freedom in both the homeland and the Diaspora.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Kumm, H. K. W., & Kumm, K. (1907). The Sudan: a short compendium of facts and figures about the land of darkness. (No Title).
Gaines, W. J. (1897). The Negro and the White Man. AME Publishing House.
Drummond, H. (1888). Tropical Africa. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Biko, S. (1978). I Write What I Like. Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies

Armistead, W. A tribute for the Negro. (No Title).
Gordon, J.(1967) The Development of the Legal System in the Colony of Lagos(1862 - 1905)
Lawrence, J. (1854). The Slavery Question. order of the trustees of the conference printing establishment of the United Brethren in Christ, Vonnieda & Kumler, agents.

Faith comes by hearing for Negroes_FE(1)
The Renaissance
14 Views · 2 months ago

Faith comes by hearing for Negroes_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Faith comes by hearing for Negroes(1). It is about how the slave master and his accomplices deceive Negroes with false narratives.
The slave master comes up with very ludicrous narratives like how negroes could have sold themselves and get a house slave to act as a serpent through whom the slave master can speak.Imagine the slave masters’ agent Dane Calloway for example trying to deny the slave trade and at the same time deny the Negro identity and replace it with Indian?
The cases of Ambazonia and Biafra Freedom and how the slave masters’ agent, Simon Ekpa is being used to destroy I.P.O.B and the Biafra freedom Struggle.
Remember also that both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway are agents of the slave master against Negro unity and freedom.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Burns, A. C.(1922) The Nigerian Handbook
Drummond, P(1861) The War in America. Negro Slavery and the Bible. A Politico-religious Essay. By an Old Politician
Jacques-Garvey, A. (1923). Philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey.
Falconbridge, A. (1788). An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. J. Phillips.
Baird, J. B(1909) Children of Africa

Knox, R. (1850). The races of men: A fragment. H. Renshaw.
⁣Gray, I(1864) The gospel of slavery: a primer of freedom

Negroes And Other Africans_FE(1)
The Renaissance
11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Negroes And Other Africans_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Negroes and other Africans (1). It is about how the non Negroes in Africa take sides with the European, Arab and American Slave masters against the Negroes.
The case of Nnamdi Kanu, a Negro freedom fighter being held in solitary confinement by supposedly fellow Africans on the behest of the British Slave masters proves beyond any reasonable doubts that Negroes are still slaves. It also looks at how the slave masters’ agent Simon Ekpa is being used by the Slave master against Negro Freedom.
The cases of Ambazonia and Biafra Freedom remain our proof that Negroes are still Slaves. Nnamdi Kanu is being held in the British Slave Barracoon while Sisiku Ayuk Tabe of Ambazonia is also being held in the French Barracoon because they sought for Freedom of Negroes in Biafra and Ambazonia(all parts of the slave Coast)
Remember also that both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway are agents of the slave master against Negro unity and freedom.
The slave trade never ended but simply changed from Individual to Corporate Slave trade. Note Slave Trade.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Burns, A. C.(1922) The Nigerian Handbook
Schön, J. F., & Crowther, S. (1842). Journals of the Rev. James Frederick Schön and Mr. Samuel Crowther: Who, with the Sanction of Her Majesty's Government, Accompanied the Expedition Up the Niger, in 1841, in Behalf of the Church Missionary Society. Hatchard and Son.
Blyden, E. W. (1887). Christianity, Islam and the Negro race. WB Whittingham.
Tait, W. (1852). Slave Trade overruled for the salvation of Africa.
Washington, B. T. (1909). The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery (Vol. 3). Lulu. com.
Jacques-Garvey, A. (1923). Philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey.
Pinkerton, J. (1802). Modern geography (Vol. 1). A. Strahan.
Equiano, O. (1790). The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano: Or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Printed for, and sold by the author.
Cooper, T. (1787). Letters on the Slave Trade: First Published in Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle; and Since Re-printed with Additions and Alterations. By Thomas Cooper, Esq (Vol. 50, No. 10). C. Wheeler.

Individual to Corporate Slave Trade  for Negroes_FE(3)
The Renaissance
17 Views · 2 months ago

Individual to Corporate Slave Trade for Negroes_FE(3)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, From Individual to Corporate Slave Trade for Negroes (3). It is about how the slave master transitioned from the Individual Slave Trading in Negroes to Corporate Slave Trading of Negroes but labeled it colonialism or Neo-colonialism. It shows that the Negroes are still slaves whether at home or in the diaspora.
The Countries in what was Negroland and today West, East and Central Africa are merely slave farms delineated by “colonial boundaries” to show which European slave master the Negroes in that space belong to.If Negroes were not slaves, the europeans, Arabs would never be killing people in Biafra and Ambazonia because they asked for freedom.
The cases of Ambazonia and Biafra Freedom remain our proof that Negroes are still Slaves. Nnamdi Kanu is being held in the British Slave Barracoon while Sisiku Ayuk Tabe of Ambazonia is also being held in the French Barracoon because they sought for Freedom of Negroes in Biafra and Ambazonia(all parts of the slave Coast)
Remember also that both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway are agents of the slave master against Negro unity and freedom.
The slave trade never ended but simply changed from Individual to Corporate Slave trade. Note Slave Trade.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Burns, A. C.(1922) The Nigerian Handbook
Blake, W. O. (1860). The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade.
Moll, H. (1711). Atlas Geographus; Or, A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern: Containing what is of Most Use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baudrand, Brietius, Sanson, &c. With the Discoveries and Improvements of the Best Modern Authors to this Time. Illustrated with about 100 New Maps, Done from the Latest Observations. John Nutt.
Drummond, P. (1852) The War in America. Negro Slavery and the Bible. A Politico-religious Essay. By an Old Politician
Geddes, M.(1696) The Church history of Ethiopia
N.A (1807). Select parts of the Holy Bible for the use of the Negro Slaves in the British West-India Islands (London, 1807).

Individual to Corporate Slave Trade  for Negroes_FE(2)
The Renaissance
27 Views · 3 months ago

Individual to Corporate Slave Trade for Negroes_FE(2)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, From Individual to Corporate Slave Trade for Negroes (2). It is about how the slave master transitioned from the Individual Slave Trading in Negroes to Corporate Slave Trading of Negroes but labeled it colonialism. It shows that the Negroes are still slaves whether at home or in the diaspora.
The Countries in what was Negroland and today West, East and Central Africa are merely slave farms delineated by “colonial boundaries” to show which European slave master the Negroes in that space belong to.
The cases of Ambazonia and Biafra Freedom remain our proof that Negroes are still Slaves. Nnamdi Kanu is being held in the British Slave Barracoon while Sisiku Ayuk Tabe of Ambazonia is also being held in the French Barracoon because they sought for Freedom of Negroes in Biafra and Ambazonia(all parts of the slave Coast)
The slave trade never ended but simply changed from Individual to Corporate Slave trade. Note Slave Trade.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Pendleton, L. (1912). A Narrative of the Negro. Press of RL Pendleton.
N.A(1828) The African Repository, and colonial Journal Vol III The American Colonization Society
Baikie, W. B. (1856). Narrative of an Exploring Voyage Up the Rivers Kwóra and Bínue:(commonly Known as the Niger and Tsádda) in 1854. With a Map and Appendices. Pub. with the Sanction of Her Majesty's Government. By William Balfour Baikie. J. Murray.
Burns, A. C.(1922) The Nigerian Handbook
Snelgrave, W. (1734). A new account of Guinea. And the Slave Trade

Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African slave trade, and its remedy.
N.A(1808) An Oration on the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Delivered in the African Church, in the City of New York, January 1, 1808

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