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⁣Identity and Self Awareness for Negroes-A Reply FE(3)

33 Views· 29 Oct 2021
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

⁣Identity and Self Awareness for Negroes-A Reply FE(3)
This is the Full Edition of the continuation of our response video to a comment we received on one of our previous videos. The comment is below
Berphil buonfilius • 4 days ago
Dearest brother, I appreciate your lectures, as they make a lot of sense, triggering in me questions that I wouldn't have ordinarily asked.
They have helped me a lot.
But I disagree with you on the assertion that the name Igbo was given to us (because I'm an Igbo man) by the British or slave master, as what you present as a prove (that the slave masters called us Ibos) is not a prove at all. That reasoning is too low of you. That a person came to my land, met me and and later called or referred to me in whatever form (maybe in the future) by what he heard me call myself or what my neighbours called me, does not mean that he gave me the name. That is absolutely illogical! The slave masters only called the people (ndị Ịgbo) what the people called themselves. That that is not the case for other groups like the Yorubas and some others does not make the claim false. Yes I do not have a proof here (but there is) that we were called by that name before the arrival of the British or the whites in our land. But it's just the same as you who do not have or is yet to provide a cogent prove that we never bore that name before the arrival of ndị ọcha.
And more over you have mentioned severally that ibo (Igbo) was used to refer to every negro from the bight of Biafra. Does the fact that I and you know that the majority of the slaves were Igbos not make it clear that the slave masters called every one of their slave from that territory i(g)bo because majority of them were Igbos?
If it is not so, i.e., if it is as you claim that the name was given by the slave traders to the entirety of the different ethnic groups shipped through the bight of Biafra or Bonny, why then did the name i(gbo) stock ONLY with the igbo people till today, and not with they entire group of slaves of different ethnic origine from the bight of Biafra?....
Full video is available on Patreon.com, Odysee.com, and crystalviews.net among others. Please note that we did not restrict the full video to Patreon out of a desire to make money but because we observed that the descendants of the slave hunters flag our videos when the full videos are posted openly.
Full Videos can be found on odyssey.com and Crystalviews.net
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