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The Negro and the law -A Reply_LE(2)

44 Views· 29 Nov 2020
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

The video The Negro and the law -A Reply_LE(2) is the limited Edition of the continuation of our response video to questions we got about Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafra freedom Struggle. Normally we do not make videos about modern issues except those that relate to the slave trade. However, Biafra, Ambazonia, Nigeria and Cameroon are all products of the slave trade hence we decided to reply to the questions below except No. 5
We have further responses but we are still working on the response to Question 5.
Garry j • 3 days ago (edited)
Hi @TheRenaissance. You are doing a great job. However, I have some questions about Nnamdi Kanu. If you could help me shed some light on them I would be grateful.
1. Why is Nnamdi Kanu always proudly brandishing the Israeli flag wherever he goes. When we all know the history of this so called Isreal.
2.Why does he want to convert the Igbos to Judaism. A religion that any enlightened African knows is that of the "Slave masters". I mean... He openly prays to the God of the Hebrews "Elohim" and wears the Kippah, Tallit and Teffilin. So there's no doubt about his faith. He's ancestors had nothing to do with that crap. So...... What gives?
3. If he is aware of reality/truth, then why is he running to the U.N for referendum when we all know that the U.N and other institutions like the I.M.F and A.U were all created to subjugate the African continent. Isn't that running to your captors for safety, or is he working for them?
4. Why does he not partner with the members of the L.N.C in their plan to abolish the 1999 constitution which has held the citizens of Nigeria to ransom and slavery and join their plan to partner with the S.W, S.S, and middle belt once it's abolished to break out from Nigeria (the right way/not by violence or war). Instead he wants to instigate a war with Nigeria who is supported by all the foreign powers that be and lead the Igbos into another genocide or this time extinction. Is he acting as an agent to incite the spark of this genocide?
5. With all the followers he has and thousands of dollars in donations he has accumulated over the years, why does he not try to build Igbo land from within. At least if Nnamdi Kanu/Ipob create projects to build either a school, a hospital, support agriculture or you know.... anything at least, would that be so bad? Instead of sending the youths to their early death by fuelling an unnecessary agitation.
Thank you sir. Hoping for your clarifications
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Goodykoontz, J(1894) Perpetual calendar and general reference manual
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. (1792). The Debate on a Motion for the Abolition of the Slave-trade, in the House of Commons on Monday and Tuesday, April 18 and 19, 1791, Reported in Detail. James Phillips.
Basden, G. T. (1921). Among the Ibos of Nigeria: An account of the curious & interesting habits, customs, & beliefs of a little known african people by one who has for many years lived amongst them on close & intimate terms. JB Lippincott Company.
Barbot, J. (1752). A Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea: and of Ethiopia Inferior, vulgarly Angola:...'. A Collection of Voyages and Travels [A. Churchill, comp.], V, London.
Ratzel, F. (1898). The history of mankind (Vol. 3). Macmillan and Company, Limited.
Tait, W (1852) The Slave trade overruled for the Slavation of Africa
Burton, R. F. (1863). Abeokuta and the Camaroons mountains: an exploration (Vol. 1). Tinsley brothers.
Jacobs, D. (1987). The brutality of nations. Alfred A. Knopf.
Snelgrave, W. (1734). A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea: And the Slave-trade, Containing I. The History of the Late Conquest of the Kingdom of Whidaw by the King of Dahomè The Author's Journey to the Conqueror's Camp; where He Saw Several Captives Sacrificed, &c. II. The Manner how the Negroes Become Slaves. The Numbers of Them Yearly Exported from Guinea to America. The Lawfulness of that Trade. The Mutinies Among Them on Board the Ships where the Author Has Been, &c. III. A Relation of the Author's Being Taken by .... James, John, and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate Street.
Warren, R.(1856) Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Rev. Richard Warren,(A Fugitive Slave).
O'Bryan, W. (1836). A Narrative of Travels in the United States of America: With Some Account of American Manners and Polity, and Advice to Emigrants and Travellers Going to that Interesting Country. Published for the author.
N.A(1828) Slave Trade (Two Volumes) Papers relating to the Slave Trde Session 29 January - 28 July 1828 Vol. XXVI

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