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⁣ Christianity, Islam and the Negro Truth-A Reply FE(1)

26 Views· 24 Apr 2022
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Christianity, Islam and the Negro Truth-A Reply FE(1)
This is the Full Edition of our response video, from comments we received from our video Christianity, Islam and the Negro Truth which examines the slave masters religions of Mohamedamism and Christianity and how they are used against the Negroes today.
We are responding to comments from T Aus “Dear bro, I am one of ur strong followers but honestly speaking ur opinion abt Simon Ekpa is false and the worst is that u said that we Biafrans should sheepishly and cowardly be following DOS…”
And another from Destroy the Confederacy “Concerning Dane Calloway, even if what you are saying is possibly true and I doubt it, you have not proven your case. Moreover what does it profit us to consider ourselves native when the world ….”
Full Videos can also be found on odyssey.com and crystalviews.net
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Oroonoko,A. B(1688) Oroonoko or The royal slave: A True History.
CONOVER, H. Africa South of the Sahara: a selected annotated list of writings 1951-1956: comp. by Helen F. Conover.(2 ed.). Washington DC.
N.A, (1842) Slavery collection, the Slavery and Abolition Collections retrieved from https://archives.nypl.org/scm/20774
Blake, W. O. (1860). The history of slavery and the slave trade. H Miller
Cable, G. W. (1898). The negro question. C. Scribner's Sons.
Ball, C. (1837). Slavery in the United States: A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball, a Black Man, who Lived Forty Years in Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia, as a Slave... Shryock.
Goldie, H. (1890). Calabar and Its Mission. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.
Williams, G. (1897). History of the Liverpool Privateers and letters of Marque with an Account of the Liverpool Slave Trade
Equiano, O. (1794). The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African.
Cugoano, O. (1787). Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species.
N.A(1850) The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review October, 1849 - January, 1850, Vol LII-1850
Leonard, A. G. (1906). The lower Niger and its tribes. Macmillan.
Bandinel, J. (1842). Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa: As Connected with Europe and America from the Introduction of the Trade Into Modern Europe Down to the Present Time: Especially with Reference to the Efforts Made by the British Government for Its Extinction (No. 5). Longman, Brown, and Company.
Anderson, J. (1863). The Story of the Life of John Anderson, the Fugitive Slave. W. Tweedie.
Hurd, W. (1811). A New Universal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs of the Whole World: Or, A Complete and Impartial View of All the Religions in the Various Nations of the Universe: Both Antient and Modern, from the Creation Down to the Present Time... Designed to Form a Complete Family Library..
Moll, H. (1711). Atlas Geographus; Or, A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern: Containing what is of Most Use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baudrand, Brietius, Sanson, &c. With the Discoveries and Improvements of the Best Modern Authors to this Time. Illustrated with about 100 New Maps, Done from the Latest Observations. John Nutt.

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The Renaissance
The Renaissance 3 years ago

Comment from Okoye Okwy
THE RENAISSANCE hmm Mazi Ekpa might said that is the Heritage of Igbos but I know he can Not change from Biafra to any so called IDU... I started listening to Mazi Ekpa broadcast b4 MNK and I had to believe MNK bcuz he recognized Nd recommend Mazi Ekpa broadcast along wt Mayegun... Problem of IPOB Nd DOS is bcuz too many illiterates are given positions so they think anything they say ppl will follow them no... and I can never forget ur 1st Broadcast when MNK was Abducted on what u said about DOS Nd their Compromised wt zoo govt ...but for Mazi Ekpa workin for Zoo letswatch and see...

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