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The brain of the Negro-A Reply FE(2)

29 Views· 09 Nov 2021
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

The brain of the Negro-A Reply FE(2)
This is the Full Edition of our response to a comment we received on one of our previous videos from someone who is likely Fulani. The comment is below
Mohamed Bah • 2 weeks ago
This is ridiculously fake journalism. Fulanis were themselves enslaved. You're just consumed with bias and hate for the Fulani. All your sources are unreliable. Why don't you try getting the Fulani side of your story ?
Mohamed Bah • 2 weeks ago
@THE RENAISSANCE In conflict situations one party usually suffers more than the other. I'm not the judge of these conflicts but I'm sure courts would deliver justice. Your reports shows open bias and hatred for Fulanis. When a hard working and resourceful nomadic tribe goes about their age-old business of tending to their cattle, there's bound to be conflicts which cannot be resolved simply by your rage and outburst of hatred for these indispensable Fulanis!
Full video is available on Patreon.com, Odysee.com, and crystalviews.net among others. Please note that we did not restrict the full video to Patreon out of a desire to make money but because we observed that the descendants of the slave hunters flag our videos when the full videos are posted openly.
Full Videos can be found on odyssey.com and Crystalviews.net
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For those that have supported us, we say thank you
Robinson, C. H. (1900). Nigeria: our latest protectorate. H. Marshall and Son.
Jefferson, T. (1776). The declaration of independence.
.Jacobs, D. (1987). The brutality of nations. Alfred a Knopf Incorporated.
Sharp, G. (1779). A representation of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating slavery.
Orr, C. W. J. (1911). The making of northern Nigeria. Macmillan and Company, Limited.
Shaw, F. L. (1905). Tropical dependency: An outline of the ancient history of the Western Soudan with an account of the modern settlement of Northern Nigeria.
Hazzledine, G. D. (1904). The white man in Nigeria. E. Arnold.
Moister, W. (1871). A History of Wesleyan Missions: In All Parts of the World, from Their Commencement to the Present Time. E. Stock.

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