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⁣ Is the Negro a born Slave-A Reply_FE(2)

40 Views· 05 Oct 2020
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Is the Negro a born Slave-A Reply_FE(2)

Is the Negro a born slave -A Reply(2) is the Full version of our response video to some comments received from our previous videos. It's also part of our series to get the Negroes to ask relevant questions about their history, who they are, who they were and what could be happening to them.It is aimed at getting the Negroes to stop believing but instead start knowing. It also seeks to get Negroes to investigate the plan of the slave master to exterminate the race.
Please note that aside from Youtube censorship we are on Patreon to reduce the distraction from the descendants of the slave hunters as they appear to watch our videos more than the Negroes for whom the videos are made.
Link to the article on Marcus Garvey and Haile Selassie https://bit.ly/35Q8zXC
The Full Versions of the Video will be available on the following platforms
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You are welcome to support us at https://www.paypal.me/OurRenaissance https://bit.ly/2OxCtF8 or at https://www.patreon.com/OurRenaissance
For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Blackie, W. G. (1868). A Supplement to The Imperial Gazetteer, a General Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical and Descriptive. Blackie and Son.
Goldie, H. (1890). Calabar and its Mission. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.
Holcombe, W. H. (1861). Suggestions as to the Spiritual Philosophy of African Slavery: Addressed to the Members and Friends of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Mason brothers.

N.A(1794) Substance of the Report Delivered by the Court of Directors, Of the Sierra Leone Company to the General Court of Proprietors, on Thursday the 27th March, 1794
Baikie, W. B. (1856). Narrative of an exploring voyage up the Rivers Kwora and Binue, in 1854. Murray.
MacQueen, J. (1840). A Geographical Survey of Africa: Its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Populations, &c. with a Map of an Entirely New Construction, to which is Prefixed a Letter to Lord John Russell Regarding the Slave Trade and the Improvement of Africa. B. Fellowes.

Cox, H. B. (1932). Census of Nigeria, 1931: Census of the Southern Provinces Volume III.
Blake W.O, Prescott, T. H (1860). The American Encyclopedia of History, Biography and Travel, Comprising Ancient and Modern History:the Biography of Eminent Men of Europe and America, and the Lives of Distinguished Travelers

Meiklejohn, M. J. C (1898) Africa, Its Geography Resources, Commerce and Chronicle of Discovery
N.A(1829) The African Repository and Colonial Journal
Tait, W(1851) The Slave trade overruled for the Salvation of African
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan(1915) The Kloran
Leonard, A. G(1906) The Lower Niger And Its Tribes

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