
⁣ Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(1)

25 Просмотры· 15 Sep 2024
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negro_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video, Economy, Slave Trade and Religion for Negroes (1). It is about the slave trade as being in the Slave Masters’ economic interests and the slave Masters’ business and thus couldn’t have been done by the Negroes themselves.
It also tried to show how the slave masters’ agent, Simon Ekpa is working against Negro Freedom In Biafra.
It also highlights how both Simon Ekpa and Dane Calloway who are both agents of the slave masters are working against Negro freedom in both the homeland and the Diaspora.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Abel, J. J., & Davis, W. S. (1896). On the Pigment of the Negro's Skin and Hair. The Journal of Experimental Medicine
Sleigh, W. W. (1838). Abolitionism Exposed, Proving that the Principles of Abolitionism are Injurious... D. Schneck.
Wadström, C. B. (1789). Observations on the slave trade, and a description of some part of the coast of Guinea, during a voyage, made in 1787 and 1788, in company with Doctor A. Sparrman and Captain Arrehenius. (No Title).
Kumm, H. K. W., & Kumm, K. (1907). The Sudan: a short compendium of facts and figures about the land of darkness. (No Title).
Pettet, Z. R., & Hall, C. E. (1935). Negroes in the United States, 1920-32. US Government Printing Office.
Ramsay, J. (1784). An Inquiry into the Effects of Putting a Stop to the African Slave Trade... J. Phillips.
N.A(1905) Strictures on the abolition of the slave trade addressed principally to the Christian church
Wilberforce, W. (1823). An appeal to the religion, justice, and humanity of the inhabitants of the British Empire: in behalf of the Negro slaves in the West Indies (No. 83). [Printed] for J. Hatchard and Son.

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