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Why the world is united against Biafra/Ambazonia Freedom_FE(1)

35 Views· 28 Jul 2022
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

Why the world is united against Biafra/Ambazonia Freedom_FE(1)

This is the FE of our video examining why the rest of the world are united against the freedom struggle of Negroes in Biafra and Ambazonia. The video showed that the root of the conspiracy dates back to the slave trade.

The video aims to show how Simon Ekpa is clearly a saboteur of the Biafra Freedom Struggle along with people like Nelly Ofoegbu and Rita Eze aka Madam Oyibo.Simon Ekpa’s work in pulling down Nnamdi Kanu’s efforts to get Biafra freedom clearly shows why the slave master believes that Negros are not human. The mental state of the slave is also shown as a key factor in the slave masters ability to enslave the Negroes.
Please watch the video and remember to leave comments especially where you disagree. We welcome criticisms.

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Woodson, C. G. (1933). The Mis-Education of the Negro.
Brown, W. W. Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave: Written by Himself.
Roberts, J. J. (1869). African Colonization: An Address Delivered at the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the American Colonization Society, Held in Washington, DC, January 19, 1869. A Branch Office of the American Colonization Society.
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Hodgson, W. B., & Markoe, F. (1843). Foulahs of Central Africa and the African slave trade.
Higgins, G. (1896). Apology for the Life and Character of the Celebrated Prophet of Arabia, Called Mahomet, the Illustrious. P. Eckler.
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