
The Negro and the law -FE(1)

30 Vues· 04 Feb 2021
The Renaissance
The Renaissance
5 subscribers

The Negro and the law -FE(1)

The video The Negro and the law (1) is a series that seeks to show that one of the biggest instruments of Negro slavery is the law. It examines how the slave master and his slave hunting partners are usually above the law and the code of Moses Smashing the Commandment Tablets are indicative of “breaking the law”
This video examines some of the reasons why they ganged up against Donald Trump the same way they did to Abraham Lincoln over the emancipation proclamation. It also examined the response of the descendants of the slave hunters in a place like Nigeria to the removal of Trump who refused to sell them weapons to kill innocent people and the new US president who they are sure will sponsor their Jihad and terror on Negroes.
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N.A(1807) Select parts of the Holy Bible for the use of the Negro Slaves in the British West-India Islands
Boston Female Anti-slavery Society (1836) Annual report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society
Catterall, H. L(1926). Judicial Cases concerning American Slavery and the Negro.
N.A(1606) The Bible
N.A(1611) The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Testament and the New
Hargrave, F. (1772). An Argument in the Case of James Sommersett.…. London: Ortridge.
George Frederick Zook. (1919). The Company of Royal Adventurers Trading Into Africa. Press of the New Era Printing Company.
New-England Anti-Slavery Society(1833) The Abolitionist

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