Religion and Government for Negroes_FE(1)
Religion and Government for Negroes_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video about Religion and Government for Negroes(1).The golden Calves of Christianity and Islam as tools of the slave trade are constantly being used by the Governments in what was Negroland and today West, East and Central African.
This video also tries to show that the Money Ritual popularized by the Nigerian or Slave Coast Movie Industry Nollywood, is a fallacy. Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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Lugard, F. J. D. (1922). The dual mandate in British tropical Africa.
Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (1902). British Nigeria.
N.A(1871) British and Foreign State Papers 1866 -1867 Vol LVII
Crocker W. R.(1936) Nigeria- A Critique of British Colonial Administration
Johnston, H. H. (1899). A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races.
Swann, A. J. (1910). Fighting the Slave Hunters in Central Africa: A Record of Twenty-Six Years of Travel and Adventure Round the Great Lakes.
Basden, G. T. (1922). Among the Ibos of Nigeria
Bruce, P. A. (1889). The plantation Negro as a freeman: Observations on his character, condition, and prospects in Virginia (No. 57). GP Putnam's sons.