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Asking how, what and why for Negroes-A Reply_LE(1)
The Renaissance
74 Views · 4 years ago

Asking how, what and why for Negroes-A Reply_LE(1)

The Slave Master, the Slave hunter and the Slave_LE(1) is the limited version of our response video to some comments received from our last video. It's also part of our series to get the Negroes to ask relevant questions about their history, who they are, who they were and what could be happening to them.It is aimed at getting the Negroes to stop believing but instead start knowing.
Please note that aside from Youtube censorship we were on Patreon to reduce the distraction from the descendants of the slave hunters as they appear to watch our videos more than the Negroes for whom the videos are made.
The Full Versions of the Video will be available on the following platforms
For those that have supported us, we say thank you
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For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Moister, W.(1879) Africa, Past and Present: A Concise Account
Crowther, S. (1855). Journal of an Expedition Up the Niger and Tshadda Rivers Undertaken by Macgregor Laird in Connection with the British Government in 1854. Church Missionary House.
Woodson, C. (1949). ABYSSINIA (Concluded). Negro History Bulletin, 12(4), 89-92. Retrieved September 14, 2020
Benezet, A. (2008). Some Historical Account of Guinea. Applewood Books.
Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (1902). British Nigeria. Journal of the Royal African Society,
Basden, G. T. (1966). Niger Ibos: a description of the primitive life, customs and animistic beliefs, etc., of the Ibo people of Nigeria by one who, for thirty-five years, enjoyed the privilege of their intimate confidence and friendship.
Partridge, C. (1905). Cross River Natives: Being Some Notes on the Primitive Pagans of Obubura Hill District, Southern Nigeria, Including a Description of the Circles of Upright Sculptured Stones on the Left Bank of the Aweyong River. Hutchinson.

Du Chaillu, P. B. (1861). Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa.

⁣ Asking how, what and why for Negroes_FE(1)
The Renaissance
21 Views · 4 years ago

Asking how, what and why for Negroes_FE(1)

The Slave Master, the Slave hunter and the Slave_FE(1) is the full version of our new series to get the Negroes to ask relevant questions about their history, who they are, who they were and what could be happening to them.It is aimed at getting the Negroes to stop believing but instead start knowing.
Please note that aside from Youtube censorship we were on Patreon to reduce the distraction from the descendants of the slave hunters as they appear to watch our videos more than the Negroes for whom the videos are made.
The Full Versions of the Video will be available on the following platforms
For those that have supported us, we say thank you
You are welcome to support us at or at
For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Moister, W.(1879) Africa, Past and Present: A Concise Account
Conneau, T, Mayer, B (1855) Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver, by B. Mayer
Thomas, N. W. (1913). Anthropological Report on the Ibo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria: English-Ibo and Ibo-English dictionary. Harrison and Sons.
Fletcher, J. (1852). Studies on Slavery: In Easy Lessons. J. Warner.
Shaw, F. L., & Dependency, A. T. (1905). An Outline of the Ancient History of the Western Soudan with an Account of the Modern Settlement of northern Nigeria.
N.A(1879) The Church Missionary Atlas containing an account of the Various Countries in which the church Missionary Society Labours and of its Missionary Operations
Smith, W. (1744). new voyage to Guinea, describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, habits, buildings, education, manual arts, agriculture.
Clapperton, H. (1829). Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa: from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo. Carey, Lea and Carey.

Universe Size Comparison 3D
234 Views · 4 years ago

⁣Universe Size Comparison 3D

⁣ The Slave Master, the Slave hunter and the Slave-A Reply_FE(2)
The Renaissance
55 Views · 4 years ago

The Slave Master, the Slave hunter and the Slave-A Reply_FE(2)

The Slave Master, the Slave hunter and the Slave-A Reply_FE(2) is the Full Version of the continuation of our series on the age long lie that claims the Negroes were sold instead of captured and blaiming the Aro for the slave trade. This video is however a response to some comments we got from the descendants of the slave hunters who insist that the Negroes could have captured and sold themselves. It also tries to examine the accounts of the Slave master, The slave Hunter and the slaves themselves.
For those that have supported us, we say thank you
You are welcome to support us at or at
For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Pinkerton, J. (1802). Modern Geography: A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies, with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles. All Parts of the World, 2,
Barth, J. C. H. (1857). Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, Being a Journal of an Expedition Undertaken... in the Years 1849-1855 (Vol. 2). Harper & brothers.
M'Queen, J. (1840). A Geographical Survey of Africa: Its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Populations, &c. with a Map on an Entirely New Construction, to which is Prefixed a Letter to Lord John Russell Regarding the Slave Trade and the Improvement of Africa. Cass.
Swann, A. J. (1910). Fighting the Slave Hunters in Central Africa: A Record of Twenty-Six Years of Travel and Adventure Round the Great Lakes.
Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday(1858) The Church Missionary Gleaner: Volume 8
Brown, R. (1896). The story of Africa and its explorers (Vol. 4). Cassell.
RAMSAY, J. (1788). Objections to the Abolition of the Slave Trade, with Answers. To which are prefixed, Strictures on a late publication, intituled:“Considerations on the Emancipation of Negroes... by a West India Planter.”.
Blake, W. O. (1861). The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade, Ancient and Modern. H. Miller.
N.A(1713) The Asiento, Or Contract for Allowing to the Subjects of Great Britain the Liberty of Importing Negroes into the Spanish America.
Khaldun, I. (1967). The Muqaddimah, an Introduction to History, translated by Franz Rosenthal, Vol. 1. New York.
Weld, T. D. (Ed.). (1839). American Slavery as it is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses. American Anti-Slavery Society.

The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes
16 Views · 4 years ago

After having 30+ videos and 3 entire channels banned/deleted, YouTube has decided they haven't censored me enough, and are now dishing out more fraudulent strikes to my channel. I have had to set some videos to private for the next couple months to try and save my channel from this attack, and am re-uploading an abridged version of this video which just received a ridiculous copyright strike for the inclusion of a single random Mars rover picture that is public domain and unarguably fair-use.

The 1969 Apollo “Moon” landings, the 1976 Viking and other subsequent “Mars” landings have all been Hollywood staged hoaxes done with actornauts, models, green-screens, CGI fakery and real rockets shot into the ocean. NASA steals 52 million dollars in taxpayer money every single day giving us back nothing but science-fiction movies and bold-faced lies.

The following presentation was taken from my book, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy" available on Lulu and Amazon:

For more information about our flat, motionless Earth please visit:

Arochukwu Never Conducted Slave Raids-A Reply-FE (2)
The Renaissance
105 Views · 4 years ago

Arochukwu Never Conducted Slave Raids-A Reply-FE (2)

Arochukwu Never Conducted Slave Raids-A Reply_FE (2) is the Full Version of the Video response to some comments we received from our video seeking to debunk the age long lie that the Aro were behind the slave trade or conducted slave raids.

It seeks to expose the lies of the Christians, Muslims and Jews in Moors, Arabs and Europeans who are slave hunters and have enslaved Negroes over the years while being able to mis-inform the world that it was the Negroes that enslaved themselves.

For those that have supported us, we say thank you
You are welcome to support us at or at
For those that have supported us, we say thank you

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Orr, C. W. J. (1911). The making of northern Nigeria. Macmillan and Company, Limited.
Lewis, J. H. (1942). The biology of the Negro. University of Chicago Press.
Benezet, A. (2008). Some Historical Account of Guinea. Applewood Books.
Smith, W. (Ed.). (1857). Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography (Vol. 2). Walton & Maberly.
Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (1902). British Nigeria. Journal of the Royal African Society, 1(2), 160-173.
Bindloss, H. (1898). In the Niger Country. W. Blackwood and Sons.
Burns, A.C(1922) The Nigerian Handbook

The Nigerian Army from Wikipedia retrieved 13th June from
Nwaubani, A. T(2018) My Great-Grandfather, the Nigerian Slave-Trader retrieved on 14th June, 2020 from
Agozino, B(2018) Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani on her slave trading grandfather retrieves from

How Eclipses Work on Flat Earth
173 Views · 5 years ago

Many people think that modern astronomy’s ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is a result and proof positive of the heliocentric theory of the universe. The fact of the matter however is that eclipses have been accurately predicted by cultures worldwide for thousands of years before the “heliocentric ball-Earth” was even a glimmer in Copernicus’ imagination. Ptolemy in the 1st century A.D. accurately predicted eclipses for six hundred years on the basis of a flat, stationary Earth with equal precision as anyone living today. All the way back in 600 B.C. Thales accurately predicted an eclipse which ended the war between the Medes and Lydians, and as far back as 3000 years ago the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and others accurately predicted eclipses to within seconds of modern methods. Eclipses happen regularly with precision in 18 year cycles, so regardless of geocentric or heliocentric, flat or globe Earth cosmologies, eclipses can be accurately calculated independent of such factors.

Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s globular shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of their ball-Earth occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for them, this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! But for the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.

As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky, and it continues happening during lunar eclipses to this day. In an attempt to explain away the inconsistencies in their theory, heliocentrists usually claim light refraction must be happening on a scale large enough to account for the phenomena, but even if this highly-implausible reverse-engineered damage-control explanation is accepted, it cannot explain how Earth-bound observers are supposedly able to see 12,000 miles, 180 degrees around a globular Earth to objects on the other side. The reality is eclipses are a far more occult and mysterious phenomenon than lining up three billiard balls.

Lunar eclipses only occur during full Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic opposite the Sun, and Solar eclipses only occur during new Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic and aligned with the Sun. Such solar and lunar conjuctions and oppositions happen a minimum of 4 times per solar year and depending on their exact altitudes and observer location will produce partial, total or annular eclipses. In ancient cosmology these lunar nodes and accompanying eclipses were personified as the gods Rahu and Ketu, often shown devouring the Sun or Moon. During solar eclipses the new Moon conjunction directly crosses the Sun causing the black-out effect, and during lunar eclipses the full Moon opposition to the Sun causes the shadowy red tint. This phenomenon is wholly celestial involving the luminaries and their regular interactions with one another, and not in any way terrestrial involving the Earth beneath our feet causing upward-casting shadows into the heavens.

See my other videos in the "How Everything Works on FE" series:
How Gravity Works on Flat Earth:
How Sunsets Work on Flat Earth:
How Seasons Work on Flat Earth:
How the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth:

For more in-depth information on eclipses, please see:
Total Eclipse of the Mind:
Rahu - The Black Sun:
Luminaries Mysterium:

To learn more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit:

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